Jakub Kolarovič was born in Bratislava in 1985. After graduating with a bachelor's degree from the Faculty of Architecture, STU in Bratislava, he worked for the KN Design studio in Perth, Australia, where he deepened his education at TAFE International University. After completing his engineering studies at FASTU in Bratislava, he worked for the Vallo Sadovský Architects studio.

Jakub Kolarovič founded the studio in 2012. Later, in 2018, he founded the MAKETA production workshop, which is used to create architectural models and examine materials that are part of the designs.

Studio work includes a wide range of scales and typologies. From interior designs, family houses and recreational facilities to exhibition spaces and the restoration of historical monuments. The work is based on the concept of simplicity and material sincerity with an emphasis on craftsmanship of detail and sustainability of the plan.

Curiculum Vitae

photo: Lenka Imrichová

